This is interesting to say the least.
I have to say a lot of my social media habits match what this guy talks about in the video. I posture. I post pictures of my outings. I put my "best" self on my profile but I rarely share my fears, my insecurities or my struggles. I share those privately with a few close friends and the truth is I prefer it that way.
Who wants to read all about my less desirable experiences on Facebook anyway?
Who wants to read all about my less desirable experiences on Facebook anyway?
But, on the other hand, don't those less appealing experiences make us human? And isn't true connection more about being human with each other than it is about showing only the desirable aspects of our lives in an attempt to appeal to others so that they want to connect with us to begin with?
Is there room for balance on Facebook? I mean, I know people posture face to face. True connection wouldn't necessarily happen in a conversation just because you're in the same room with someone who might choose to do everything in person that they do on their Twitter page/Facebook wall - such as boast, posture, overcompensate (we all do it) - but what might happen is that you would look into their eyes, see something a little deeper going on and experience a sense of empathy for them because you were looking at their face and not their wall.
Today, I had my fifth headache in five weeks (always on a Friday or a Saturday) and it stole a lot of hours out of my day and time away from my boys. (Not to worry people, I've been checked endlessly - no tumors, all the blood work is good, not even allergic to gluten - it's just a gawd damn pain in my head that I usually get one day a week, a few weeks in a row, a few times a year.) I worry sometimes that I'm not living up to my potential or my standards as a Mom, a wife, an actor or a friend. And sometimes the stress of falling short hurts my brain.
Most of the time, I feel bloody great. I enjoy my life and I'm grateful to be who I am with my family (comprised of some of the very best people on earth). I am also grateful to collaborate with my professional family (comprised of some of the very best storytellers on earth).
But every now and again, I feel the less desirable side of being human. Usually on a day when I have a headache and I am deprived of the privilege of connecting with my children. And the isolation in the deprivation reminds me of the true richness of genuinely connecting in the first place.
But every now and again, I feel the less desirable side of being human. Usually on a day when I have a headache and I am deprived of the privilege of connecting with my children. And the isolation in the deprivation reminds me of the true richness of genuinely connecting in the first place.
Something in this video resonated with me. And I guess it made me want to share a little more of who I really am, my human self and not just the jokester who wants you to see only the better parts of me.
So, here are my remaining thoughts for the night in this order:
I'm really glad my headache is gone; I'm looking forward to a good night sleep and the interesting dreams that will accompany it;
I wish you some restful zzzzzzz's, a rejuvenating morning, meaningful connections with those you encounter and a lovely, charming, peaceful, weekend served with delicious croissants, a few good belly laughs and plenty of eye contact.
I'm really glad my headache is gone; I'm looking forward to a good night sleep and the interesting dreams that will accompany it;
I wish you some restful zzzzzzz's, a rejuvenating morning, meaningful connections with those you encounter and a lovely, charming, peaceful, weekend served with delicious croissants, a few good belly laughs and plenty of eye contact.
Over and out sweet virtual friends.
If you're reading this, you are loved...
If you're reading this, you are loved...
Yours in the quest for bliss,
The Happiness Detective
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